
Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

She is handsome

Sinead O'Connor's Blog I'll tell me Ma when I go home The boys won't leave the girls alone. They pull my hair, they stole my comb, but that's alright till I go home. Chorus: She is handsome, she is pretty She is the belle of Belfast city She is courtin' one, two, three. Please won't you tell me, who is she? Albert Mooney says he loves her, All the boys are fighting for her. They knock at the door and ring at the bell Saying "Oh, my true love are you well?" Out she comes as white as snow, Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes. Oul Jenny Murray says she'll die, If she doesn't get the fella with the roving eye. Chorus Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high and the snow come tumblin' from the sky She's as nice as apple pie And she'll get her own lad by and by. When she gets a lad of her own, she won't tell her Ma when she goes home Let them all come as they will For it's Albert Mooney she loves still.



Samstag, 10. März 2012


Lost my friend to knitting,lost my nerve for crime. Lost my sense of direction,wasted so much time. I though I had a duty,to put myself about. Saw my life in colour,when the reality is black and white. Sung my song of sorrow,squeezed my memory dry. Time to ring the changes,my but don't time fl-y! Do it or don't do it do it right,or give your life to others. Do it or don't do it do it right,forget the colours. So take yourself in hand,bleach the colours from your mind. Remember what I told youand live in black and white. Don't try to live in colour,save it for your dreams. These four walls that surround me,surround you too - oh yes they do, yes they do! Life within, life within four walls. Life within, life within four walls. These four walls surround me, four walls close me in. These four walls surround me,four walls close me i-i-i-in. These four walls surround me,four walls close me in. These four walls surround me,four walls close me in.

Einen Lauf haben

General is a wise man The General is a gun Shake up this scribbly world And run run run He's laughing like a doctor But I bit his crazy mouth Believe this faithful daughter As he squeezed into her house And run run run Gently as you squeeze us Your jelly beans will be shocked Squeeze this juice that's in us And squeeze me till I drop General is a wise man The General is the shock Flip Flop Ego We go now Flip Flop General is a wise man General is a gun General is this partner as we run run run Shocked as you prickle me as you got to know too well Too gentle you were wise man and I broke your holy bell And run run run Moto Coda

Red Guitars