
Samstag, 10. März 2012


Lost my friend to knitting,lost my nerve for crime. Lost my sense of direction,wasted so much time. I though I had a duty,to put myself about. Saw my life in colour,when the reality is black and white. Sung my song of sorrow,squeezed my memory dry. Time to ring the changes,my but don't time fl-y! Do it or don't do it do it right,or give your life to others. Do it or don't do it do it right,forget the colours. So take yourself in hand,bleach the colours from your mind. Remember what I told youand live in black and white. Don't try to live in colour,save it for your dreams. These four walls that surround me,surround you too - oh yes they do, yes they do! Life within, life within four walls. Life within, life within four walls. These four walls surround me, four walls close me in. These four walls surround me,four walls close me i-i-i-in. These four walls surround me,four walls close me in. These four walls surround me,four walls close me in.

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