
Montag, 25. Februar 2013

Es wird aufgegessen!

When is the moment and where will we meet?
What must I abandon and what will I need?
What's the direction, what's the name of the street?
Where must I look for the plan?
Who will we fight?
What are the words? What is my line?
Who will walk first?
Why is it nobody knows where to go but everybody knows we must go?
Where is my Revolution, Revolution?
Was that a flicker? Is that a fire? Is someone knocking? Was that a sign? That voice talking, God, is it mine?

Calling, calling, calling all the time.

Seit gut vier Jahren bezaubert die Schweizerin mit hintergründigen Songs, reflektierten Texten und individueller Imaginationskraft. Dabei wirkte sie oft als natürliche Antithese zur allgegenwärtigen Nivellierung
Sophie Hunger, "The Danger Of Light", FAZ

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